Authentic Moldavite from Chlum, Czech Republic.
Moldavite (tektite)
About 14 million years ago, Moldavite was believed to be created by a meteor that impacts with enough velocity that if vaporizes itself and surrounding material. These vapors are ejected back into the upper atmosphere Where they solidify and rain back down as solids. Moldavite is only found in the Moldau River Valley in the Czech Republic. Moldavite is the transformation stone and it tends to enhance positive life changes in a very accelerated manner. It also Affected dreams by allowing you to access deep levels of your subconscious mind while in the lucid dream state. It allows you to work through and he’ll issues that have been buried in hidden from your conscious awareness. Moldavite Is connected with the heart chakra but it can also be used as an overall Chakra balancer.
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